5 results found for: Oakville

The Butcher Chef :: Toronto

Does Toronto really need another steakhouse? When an establishment like The Butcher Chef at 8 Harbour St. offers quality meat to suit everyone’s taste, along with an extensive global wine list and hospitable service, the answer is a resounding yes.

Promontory Winery :: Napa

For many, myself included, a tour of Promontory Winery in Napa California is an opportunity to taste wines you would never have the chance to taste before. A real treat for enthusiasts or architecture junkies.

ēst restaurant :: Toronto

I had been anticipating the opening of ēst Restaurant in Toronto for months. The chef is from one of my most highly recommended restaurants in Canada. The menu is progressive and focused on locally-sourced ingredients.

Hexagon Restaurant :: Oakville

Hexagon Restaurant in Oakville strives for culinary excellence, and Chef Sean goes to great lengths to succeed. His new restaurant sets the stage for his creative talent.

Ocotillo Restaurant :: Phoenix

Ocotillo in Phoenix is the quintessential modern Arizona eatery. They are a new gold standard, capturing the hearts of locals and tourists alike.