Nestled within the renowned Tawaraya Ryokan, Ten You restaurant, graced with a Michelin star, is a distinguished establishment redefining the very essence of tempura as you have come to know it. The experience transcends the ordinary, offering a captivating culinary exploration that might alter your perception of tempura forever.
Under the meticulous guidance of chef Kobayashi, the art of tempura takes on a new meaning, utilizing seasonal, top-tier ingredients. His passion for this traditional culinary form is evident, as he employs exceptional skills in the precise craft of frying. The result is a light, non-greasy texture that leaves no trace of oil on the paper. This is achieved through the use of cottonseed oil, enhancing the natural umami and aromatic essence of each ingredient.
The dining space albeit cozy, hosts a mere ten guests at the intimate bar on the second floor, with a couple of private rooms available on the main floor. The chef’s culinary expertise unfolds before your eyes, as he meticulously cooks each item fresh, engaging guests in an immersive experience. However, the modest room, while functional, may lack aesthetic appeal. While generally quiet, a notable incident with a patron engaged in loud conversation with the chef in Japanese, proved slightly distracting during the meal, underscoring our experience. Notwithstanding, the evening remained a testament to the chef’s precise techniques.
The dining experience resembled an Omakase journey through tempura, with the chef adeptly synchronizing with the guest’s pace. The chef’s array of seafood, fish, and vegetables sourced from the esteemed Kansai region, were fried to perfection.
While acknowledging the possibility of other outstanding tempura establishments in Kyoto, the experience at Ten You left a sense of contentment. The attentive service and the overall enjoyment of the evening, along with the chef’s mastery, will remain with us.
Happy dining,

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